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  • Writer's pictureRichard Smith

January 3rd 2014 - Redundancy & Fat People on Benefits

Company Restructuring, My Arse, it's Sacking Off


Today I’m back at work. Oh, how wonderful. I suppose one way of looking at it is that I don’t have to go shopping again.

As I walked into the office today there was a strange atmosphere about the place. I didn’t know why until I opened up my emails to read one from HR about the restructuring of the business due to the credit crunch. In other words, they’re going to start getting rid of people. As I’m on a written warning, I guess I’ll be one of the first out of the door. So at lunch time I broke the internet rules at work and logged into the Job Centre website. The government has tried to make it all posh by calling it Job Centre Plus and it had loads of crap on it about getting back to work, etc. I guess this was aimed at the scroungers. If they want to stop the lazy bastards from claiming they should just stop their benefits. The other day I was informed that the fat bastards across the street from me are all on disability benefit because they are overweight. That really hacks me off. They’re not overweight and ill, they’re smelly arseholes who eat too much. Simple as that; it’s a lifestyle choice.

I didn’t find many jobs that took my fancy. I don’t want to work in telesales or at a supermarket, so I didn’t apply for anything but I’ll keep looking. This afternoon we were taken in groups at work to speak with the management about the so-called restructuring (I’m gonna call it sacking off now as that’s what it really is). Our department will be renamed Customer Relations as opposed to Customer Complaints and we will all have to reapply for our jobs. So I have to apply for my own job. Surely that can’t be legal. There are 14 of us and there will only be five jobs available. Great news, hey? I’ve got as much chance of getting one of those jobs as Michael Jackson has of recording a new single.

I got home at about 6pm and my wife said, “Have you had a nice day?” I wondered why she was so damn cheerful, but I simply said “No” then proceeded to tell her about the job. She really helped my mood by telling me that someone on a final warning is unlikely to be offered one of those jobs. Well, thank you very much, oh kind wife; how good of you to cheer me up tonight. I can’t be arsed speaking to her anymore so it’s two sleeping pills and off into the land of nod I go.

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