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  • Writer's pictureRichard Smith

January 2nd 2014 - The Search for Bin Laden and a Sofa

This morning I waited for the post for my credit card, more in blind hope than expectation as the website said 7-10 days. It didn’t come, unsurprisingly. I need to get to the post every day before my wife does now so she doesn’t intercept my card.

Over breakfast I read my newspaper and the headline was ‘Osama Bin Laden in Hiding’ with a story about how they still haven’t found Osama Bin Laden. Really? How hard can it be? It didn’t take them long to find Saddam Hussain did it? I wonder whether Bin Laden was the best at hide and seek when he was at school. I wondered what it is that turns these people into such violent people, when in their life did things change? Perhaps he got picked on at school for his silly beard.

My wife wanted to go to town today to look for a new sofa, as all the sofa companies had a sale on that ‘MUST’ end today so they can set up a new sale tomorrow. Sofa companies must think we’re as thick as pig shit. Well, to be fair, they’re half right as my wife has fallen for it, hasn’t she?

Now before I go on let me point out that shopping is something that I hate, especially with a woman. I prefer to go into one store, have a glance and say “I’ll have that one”. But women are different. My wife wants to sit in every chair, she wants to ask the salesperson irrelevant questions like “How many silkworms died to make the material on this sofa and is the wood from the rainforest?” Maybe that’s a slight exaggeration but they are crazy when shopping; they become unhuman somehow.

A salesperson came up to us within 30 seconds of walking through the door and said, “How can I help you today?” I replied, “You can’t, we’re just looking”. He told us that he would be just over there if we needed him, pointing a few metres away. Now here’s the thing that really pissed me off: as we were walking around he was never more than a few footsteps away from us, padding cushions, ready to pounce for a sale. Now I know that they’re on a commission; big mistake to make me realise that. When we eventually chose a sofa he came over and I said, “Sorry, we haven’t decided yet”. Then we promptly went and found another salesman to buy the sofa off just to piss off the dickhead who pounced on us when we came through the door.

Apparently the sofa will be with us in about 8 to 10 week. Why? How does it take so long to get a sofa? It doesn’t work this way in a supermarket. Can you imagine going for a loaf of bread and being told it’ll be with you in 8 to 10 weeks? It’s a complete joke, a plan to keep my money making interest in the shop’s account rather than mine. I wonder how much interest the sofa company makes from all these thousands of 8 to 10 week waits?

I’m going to bed severely hacked off tonight, so I guess you could say I’m getting into bed on the wrong side.

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